What are the possible complications?

Family Planning Considerations

The opportunity to conceive and have children is no different for women with achondroplasia than for those of average height. But because of the smaller size of their pelvises, women with achondroplasia may be advised to deliver by caesarean section.

It’s also important to remember that achondroplasia is a genetic condition. This means that it can be passed down to children. Speaking with a geneticist can help offer guidance on family planning.

Know the specialists

Learn about the healthcare specialists who can help manage complications.

Take Action


Day-to-day activities may be more challenging and require extra help. Daily challenges can include:

Getting around (mobility)
Reaching things
Turning a doorknob

“Growing up can be hard, both socially and emotionally. Kids with achondroplasia may have challenges with self-esteem, social pressure, and anxiety.

—Caregiver of a child with achondroplasia